
Scrying is the art of using a crystal ball, black mirror, flame or other devices to gain information by recognizing patterns. These videos offer you E-Crystal Balls so you can […]

Tarot Tips: The Moon

This major arcana card is about the subconscious, the unknown and cycles. There are times when everything you know just doesn’t offer the answers or insights you need, most times […]

Tarot Tips: Nine of Wands

The challenge in anything you choose to do is not to succeed but to overcome the obstacles to success. There are times in life where the obstacles seem to overwhelm […]

These are basic colour descriptions only, when looking at the aura the colours are apparent in different parts of the body and different intensities. the quality and the colours, overlaying, […]

The Aura or human electro-magnetic field is constantly in motion, an attractant and repellant at the same time. Illness is detectable in the aura and personality traits are easily read […]