Art Journaling Workshops: What you need
sketchbook with heavier grade paper gesso (this prevents paint from going through the paper) paints, any grade will do, the more colours the better if you like glitter then grab […]
sketchbook with heavier grade paper gesso (this prevents paint from going through the paper) paints, any grade will do, the more colours the better if you like glitter then grab […]
Crystals have long held a fascination for many people; it is a mistaken belief that a crystal without some level of intention from the user can change your energy. I […]
Every substance has a unique vibration that creates an energy field. Metal is no exception. When you consider it’s a natural substance dug out of the very earth, it’s not […]
You are constantly ‘guessing’ where you are in your environment, in fact your brain is a mass of predictive software rather than simply responding to physical cues. In effect everyone, […]
The ever elusive inner peace is a figment of the imagination. It is true, that is exactly what it is, and that being the case, you only need use your […]
past pɑːst/ adjective 1. gone by in time and no longer existing. “the danger is now past” synonyms: gone by, over, over and done with, no more, gone, done, […]
Feeling blue? You probably are, I usually see this as a heavier dark blue grey hanging close to the head and sometimes down as far as the shoulders where it […]
There is a huge difference between healing the past and living in it, for many it becomes a life mission devoted to self which is usually the opposite to the […]