Date(s) - 01/08/2015
8:30 pm - 9:30 pm ET
Your energy projects into places and spaces you have yet to inhabit, a phenomenon that never ceases to amaze me. As you interact with others, focus on goals, plan the next step you present a withdrawal, resistance or full on drive in your energy field. this is interpreted as attitude which largely determines what you are open to, and what you will resist, what will flow easily and what will present a problem.
At all times we are interacting beyond our current moment and awareness, how does this work? Your light self moves out into the world at 186,000 miles per second, you can be forgiven for misinterpreting intuition as a future knowledge base, when in reality, you are already there, *insert a noo noo noo nooooo. It’s fun, it’s scary and it is wholly you! Join in this show, send me a request if you want a future projection featured on the show or join in so you can ask questions live on air.