Weight Loss: Inner dialogue and your body
Not everyone appreciates the total weight loss achieved over years of dieting, For those that have tried dieting a number of times it is too easy to think of yourself […]
Not everyone appreciates the total weight loss achieved over years of dieting, For those that have tried dieting a number of times it is too easy to think of yourself […]
You are constantly ‘guessing’ where you are in your environment, in fact your brain is a mass of predictive software rather than simply responding to physical cues. In effect everyone, […]
past pɑːst/ adjective 1. gone by in time and no longer existing. “the danger is now past” synonyms: gone by, over, over and done with, no more, gone, done, […]
There is a huge difference between healing the past and living in it, for many it becomes a life mission devoted to self which is usually the opposite to the […]